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Your Words Matter

I saw this post that was shared via @ListeningFun and I absolutely loved it.

We are all working with children who can wear away at our patience sometimes, but we all got into this field to make sure that we love and care for our kids no matter what!

Maybe you didnt have enough coffee, maybe you only got 2 hours of sleep, maybe some jerk cut you off on the many reasons to show up to work with a little less patience than usual. Then add in some wacky behaviors, numerous questions and repetition of directions and that can whittle away your patience even more. But we always have to stop, take a deep breath, and choose our reactions, body language and words carefully. Children are so vulnerable and are also super in tune with the vibes that we give off. We always want to make sure that they feel like they are in a safe, caring and understanding environment.

This chart from "We Are Teachers" is a great reminder about ways that we can word things differently. Just a small change in your words can create a huge difference!


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