Auditory Bombardment
Definition: The provision of numerous opportunities for a child to hear the target phoneme, sound or language (Dickson, 2010)
Definition taken from Sherri Fickenscher & Dan Salvucci
Chapter 7 – Listening And Spoken Language Strategies
"Do you need more MILK for your cereal?
The MILK is in the fridge.
Let’s go get the MILK.
Can you help me open the MILK?
Yay it’s open! Now we can pour the MILK into your cereal"
Explanation: You are trying to continuously input the target word into your session. It might seem like it gets super repetitive but this strategy really works and give the child that exposure to the word in multiple contexts. You can also do this for specific sounds. You might was to highlight the /s/ sound, so you might read a book that has lots of words with that initial sound! You can also select toys that begin (or end or blend or whatever target you are working on) with your target sound. There are auditory bombardment lists that you can find online! Here are some links that I have found useful.