Auditory Closure
Definition: A speaker begins a song, rhyme, or sentence and then stops talking in order to encourage the child to fill in a verbal response Definition taken from Sherri Fickenscher & Dan Salvucci
Chapter 7 – Listening And Spoken Language Strategies
Song Example:
Therapist: “5 little ducks went out one day, over the hill and far away. Momma duck said…….”
Therapist: “And only 4 little ducks came back!” Book Example:
Therapist: “Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see? I see a…….”
Child: “Purple cat looking at me!”
This is great for young children with songs. You can use auditory closure with practically any song/nursery rhyme that you can think of! I love to pair my songs with toys or stuffed animals because that is another way that a child can identify nursery rhymes/songs especially if they are not at the point where they can verbally respond. (example, for the 5 little ducks song, they could squeeze a squeaky duck when it is to the point there they need to go “quack quack quack”. It’s a great place to start with the little ones who are new listeners! With “older” children, its great with repetitive books and books that come with some visual cues (if you child needs that support!)