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Auditory First

Auditory First

Definition: An attitude as well as a set of conditions that will enable the child to have better access to speech and language.

Definition taken from Sherri Fickenscher & Dan Salvucci

Chapter 7 – Listening And Spoken Language Strategies EXAMPLE:

With a toy that makes sound such as a cow - Hold behind back and squeeze, (the toy says“mooooo”)….Whats that?!

Put toy (example - bells) in box and have child shake it. “ding ding ding”…Whats that?!


This is so important to incorporate in your sessions because it puts that extra emphasis on how important it is to listen! They have to focus and be ready for a sound at any time. Recognizing these sounds helps in their everyday life to be prepared for the noisy world around them! You can do this with ling toys. I hide my toys in a bag and make the sound first and then have the child repeat the sound and then say the toy that matches before I put it out. You can also do the sound first, and then give the child two or three options of which toy matches with it (if they do not imitate or have the ability to name the toy yet)

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