Auditory Sandwich
Definition: Information is presented through listening before the introduction of visual or other support information is given to a child. When visual information is needed to assist in comprehension, the information is then put back in to the auditory-only presentation. The Auditory Sandwich is also referred to as the “Listening Sandwich”. Definition taken from Sherri Fickenscher & Dan Salvucci
Chapter 7 – Listening And Spoken Language Strategies
(Listening alone)
Therapist: Say “time to do dot paint!
(Listening with Support)
Therapist: Say “time to do dot paint!” While holding up the box of dot paints.
(Listening alone)
Therapist: Say, “time to do dot paint!”
This gives the child that necessary repetition that they need as well as reinforces the target language that the child needs to participate in your session. Repetition and reinforcement is key!