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Optimal Positioning

Optimal Positioning

Definition: Proper position and distance between the speaker and the listener that enables the child with hearing loss to have the most optimal access to spoken language through audition. Definition taken from Sherri Fickenscher & Dan Salvucci

Chapter 7 – Listening And Spoken Language Strategies


This strategy doesn't necessarily warrant an example. If your child has a unilateral hearing loss, or has an ear with better hearing, always make sure that you are positioning yourself on the side that is best for the child. You also want to make sure that you are within a few feet of the child during your sessions unless you are explicitly testing their ability to hear at varying distances. We always want to be creating the perfect listening environment for our kids! Making sure that they can hear you loud and clear is always step one, then you can move on to background noise in your room (AC? Are there chair quieter? carpeting? etc) Your positioning is ALWAYS what you have 100% control over, so it should always be perfect for your child.

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