Definition: The use of a verbal, visual, or physical indicator that increases the likelihood of a correct response from a child. Definition taken from Sherri Fickenscher & Dan Salvucci
Chapter 7 – Listening And Spoken Language Strategies
"We have to clean up in 5 minutes! When you hear the timer go off, that means its time"
"Everyone needs to sit criss cross" (show a picture of a child sitting criss cross)
I found this website that I really like that helps lay out the different types of prompting strategies that you can use. They talk about 9: Gestural, full physical, partial physical, full verbal, partial verbal of phonemic prompt, textural or written, visual, auditory, positional. They also give lots of information about why it important to prompt, tips and tricks, praise etc. I encourage you guys to click the link and read about them, its super helpful