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Definition: Creation of an unusual or unexpected situation with familiar items or routines that is contrary to the child’s expectation or understanding (Winkelkotter & Srinivasan, 2012). Definition taken from Sherri Fickenscher & Dan Salvucci

Chapter 7 – Listening And Spoken Language Strategies


"The cow got into the car to drive to school"

"The baby is hungry! Can you feed her the pencil?"

"You need to get changed for bed, go put on your bathing suit!"


Sabotage is SO great, and can be really funny for the kids. It simply just making up a crazy sentence that doesn't make sense to check that they are listening and then understanding all of the vocabulary presented in the sentence. You'll know right away if the child hear you correctly because they'll either 1.) Look at you like your crazy2.) Attempt to perform the task but stare at the the whole time and do it very slowly3.) Burst out laughing and tell you that "You're too silly!!!" You can find great absurdity prompts online :) You can also get Super Duper Decks! I have this one and I love it (so do my kids!)

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