As the days get colder, all I can think about is how I took summer for granted! So I decided to talk about my kinetic sand box and live life in the past this morning. Sandboxes are absolutely AMAZING for sessions and group sessions as well! Not only are you giving the kids that sensory experience, but you are giving them opportunities to learn SO MUCH LANGUAGE! Before they play, I have them describe what the sand feels like:
- Is it smooth?
- Is it scratchy?
- Is it slimy?
- Is it hot or cold?
Then I have them talk about what is smells like:
- Does it remind you of the ocean?
- Does it smell good? bad?
So on and so on, give them the whole sensory experience! Use your eyes, nose, ears, hands; get all that language packed in there! Then you can start your session! These are some things that I like to do with my sand box:
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Have them describe the toy once they find it OR describe a toy you want them to find and see if they can find it
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I particularly like putting vocabulary cards in that are "what is this and what is it used for?"
Direct play for auditory memory/following directions -->
"Use the red shovel to put sand in the blue cone", " use your hands to pack sand into the princess"
At the end, I always let them free play for a few minutes to create their own masterpieces :)